
Booking an Interview for the J-1 Visa

Step 1

Purchase one or more interview vouchers (See note below). Enter your email address in the text box below and press enter. You will receive an email message with a link to completing your payment. Please note that this message may go to your spam email folder, so be sure to check that folder if the message does not appear in your email inbox.

    (Use your UMD email address if available)


    Important Note:

    If you receive an “Unable to Process Captcha” error when you try to purchase an interview voucher, you will need to access the payment page through a VPN. The Captcha service is provided by Google, and it may be blocked at your site.

    Step 2

    The voucher number will be sent to you within 24 hours of receiving your payment. You do not need to contact MEI or UMD to receive your voucher number. It will be sent to the email address you provided in Step 1.

    Step 3

    Once you have received your voucher number, click here to book an interview.